Friday, October 21, 2005

Getting Ready for Winter

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. This picture shows part of my back yard. I love how fall sunshine makes everything have a golden glow. After the heat of summer dries and bakes everything, the coolness of fall comes to give relief and here in Western WA, everything turns green again, almost like spring. The colors are absolutely the best. The smells are the best. The foods are the best. It is time for comfort food and warm sweaters. If there is any downside to it, it is that there never seems to be enough time to really enjoy the season. I want to sew and knit and cook. But, life gets busy and I never do enough. Then comes winter.

I love winter too, even though it isn't my favorite. Here is a picture of my dream house in winter. I've missed winter snows since I've lived in Woodinville and look forward to experiencing the pure white beauty of it again.
A part of me knows that it won't be as idyllic as it appears, but there will certainly be those fleeting moments that make it all worthwhile. Those are the times that I feel very blessed. There must be a reason that fall and winter bring us close in to home and family. There is an amazing balance to it all. And there's always something wonderful ahead.


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